Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Week 10 #23

The end is finally here. I have enjoyed this training. It exposed me to several new tchnology applications. I think I enjoyed playing with flickr and creating an avatar the most. Some things I did not find personally useful were social networking and rss feeds. It was still good to learn more about them. Things are changing so quickly that it is often difficult to keep up with them. I definitely see the need to better educate children and parents about the possible dangers lurking cyberspace. The internet can be very useful when common sense and caution are used.

Week 7 #17

The internet has become so useful in recent years. When I was first at A&M I never worried about checking my email. No one I new had one. It was difficult to navigate or find any thing very useful on the internet back then. Now, I turn to my computer for so many things. I look up recipes, watch tv, shop, buy performance tickets, and so much more. Sometimes it seems as if everything really is on the internet.

Week 7 #16

Wikkis are interesting little tools. I have encountered a few on some of the websites I frequent. I was most familar with Wikopedia. They seem to be very handy for sharing information. My biggest problem with most wikkis is that they are so easy to modify that information contained in them can be suspect. In a library setting they could be used to create reading or movie lists. I could also see the potential for using them to gather customer reviews of materials.


This is a test document for iHCPL week 8.cool  Zoho has many different features and is a very versatile word processing program.

Week 8 #19

Zoho is a nifty little program. I think it would be very useful for someone that uses computers in a variety of locations or for someone that does not want to carry a flash drive or disk around. Another plus is not having to worry about whether or not the computer you are using has a compatible word processor. The program has plenty of features.

Week 8 #18

I visisted several sites, including Facebook and Catster. Catster was a bit wierd for my taste. I love my cat, but creating a webpage for one borders on weird. I created a facebook account, but I just don't have the time to use it the way so many people do. It's an interesting way to waste time with friends. Sites like this are part of the reason it can be dangerous to be on the internet. People post all sorts of private things on their pages.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 6 #15

To me, lbrary 2.0 means providing services that are more personalized and flexible. Part of the difficulty in providing this kind of library service is being able to stay on top of constant changes. Library staff also need more technology training to better understand and provide this kind of service.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Another children's librarian sent me a link to a neat site and I wanted to see what the embedded books looked like.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Week 6 #14

I tried all three searches. Searching the blog posts yielded the most results, but some of them were not really about learning 2.0. Searching the tags yielded the fewest results. It was interesting to see what was popular at technorati. Its fun to see what other people are interested in. The site seems very useful for searching blogs.

Week 9 #22

I was surprised by the number of audiobook titles available at our ebranch. The biggest obstacle to me using this is the fact that my mp3 player is an iPod. It's a shame that these materials are not compatible with a very popular player. I have checked out several titles for use at home, but I most often want audiobooks in my car. I was also impressed with the number of videos available. I haven't tried to download any of these yet. I also have not tried the ebooks. I don't really like to read very much off of a computer screen. I would much rather have the actual book.

Week 9 #21

I fell in love with podcasts a while back. Two of my favorite Harry Potter fansites started podcasting and I was hooked. Using iTunes makes keeping up with your favorite podcast very easy. Every day or so it automatically searches for new editions of the podcasts you subscribe to. For this exercise I visited PodcastAlley. Wow, there are a lot of podcasts listed when you search for library or librarian. I chose the podcast Book Voyages. This podcast looks at children's literature, culture, and other issues surrounding working with children in the library.

Week 9 #20

YouTube provides for a wide variety of uses. Mostly I have seen it used for entertainment purposes, however iHCPL has shown how useful it can be for providing informational videos to people spread over a wide area. The librarian career video from 1946 was a hoot. Definitely shows where many of the librarian stereotypes come from. I chose to embed "The March of the Librarians." I first saw this video when it originally came out. I thought it was hilarious and showed it to my mom. Her reply to the video was that you must need to be a librarian to appreciate it. Oh well.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Week 6 #13

Del.icio.us could be very useful as a back-up to favorites stored on your personal computer. I can also see the value of the site if you frequently use different computers. I'm not really sur that I can see much use for this site as a research tool, other than being able to see what sites other people are using. Popular doesn't always mean useful.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Week 5 #12

This is a very clever little tool. I think it would be most beneficial to families. This would make it very easy to manage everyone's accounts. I also like that the notices include information about holds, upcoming due dates, and overdue materials.

Week 5 #11

I love Library Thing. I've been needing something like this for years. Now if I can just find the time to put all my books here....

Week 5 #10

It was fun trying to create an online persona. It did get a little tedious clicking through all the options. I made my avatar at http://www.meez.com/home.dm I also played around with the avatars at yahoo.com. I just couldn't figure out how to put those avatars on my blog.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Week 4 #9

Frankly, I found these search tools a bit overwhelming. I don't usually have this much trouble figuring out this sort of thing. Probably just a case of too much information.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Week 3 #7

Picture 002a
Originally uploaded by That Library Lady
I used Piknik to edit this photo. I like this program because it uses photos already uploaded into my flickr account. I wish there were a few more free features. I liked being able to add text to my picture.

Week 3 #6

Colorpicker was fun to play with. I'm not really sure that I would have a practical use for it. The trading card tool was a neat find because my nephews are really into sports and they liked the idea of having trading cards with their own pictures. TripperMap was very cool, but I was turned off by having to pay for the best features. I guess I'm just cheap.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Week 3 #5

Originally uploaded by That Library Lady

These are my "babies". This is a rare photo because Gracie generally won't let Fritz anywhere near her.

Flickr is very easy to use with digital photos. I like the idea of being able to share my photos so easily.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Week 4 #8

Bloglines is a really neat tool. It was nice to have a centralized location to find blogs and newsfeeds. I subscribed a variety of things including blogs about knitting, cats, and the iHCPL photos. This makes checking my favorite blogs a lot easier.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Week 2: #4

Internet safety invovles using a lot of common sense. Be carefeul what information you give out and where you give it. It is also very inportant to teach children how to be safe on the internet. I am fairly comfortable about sharing on the internet, however I am very careful what I share. The internet has made it very handy to share things like photos with family members that live in distant places.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Week 2: #3

Laughing is the easiest learning habit for me beacause I am naturally a very giggly person. Organization and goal setting are probably the most difficult habits for me. I tend to be kind of scattered and I often find it difficult to

Getting Started

This is shaping up to be a very interesting week. I started my first library job on Monday. So far I really love it! Now I've started this blog as part of iHCPL. So many things to do, so little time.