Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Week 10 #23

The end is finally here. I have enjoyed this training. It exposed me to several new tchnology applications. I think I enjoyed playing with flickr and creating an avatar the most. Some things I did not find personally useful were social networking and rss feeds. It was still good to learn more about them. Things are changing so quickly that it is often difficult to keep up with them. I definitely see the need to better educate children and parents about the possible dangers lurking cyberspace. The internet can be very useful when common sense and caution are used.

Week 7 #17

The internet has become so useful in recent years. When I was first at A&M I never worried about checking my email. No one I new had one. It was difficult to navigate or find any thing very useful on the internet back then. Now, I turn to my computer for so many things. I look up recipes, watch tv, shop, buy performance tickets, and so much more. Sometimes it seems as if everything really is on the internet.

Week 7 #16

Wikkis are interesting little tools. I have encountered a few on some of the websites I frequent. I was most familar with Wikopedia. They seem to be very handy for sharing information. My biggest problem with most wikkis is that they are so easy to modify that information contained in them can be suspect. In a library setting they could be used to create reading or movie lists. I could also see the potential for using them to gather customer reviews of materials.


This is a test document for iHCPL week 8.cool  Zoho has many different features and is a very versatile word processing program.

Week 8 #19

Zoho is a nifty little program. I think it would be very useful for someone that uses computers in a variety of locations or for someone that does not want to carry a flash drive or disk around. Another plus is not having to worry about whether or not the computer you are using has a compatible word processor. The program has plenty of features.

Week 8 #18

I visisted several sites, including Facebook and Catster. Catster was a bit wierd for my taste. I love my cat, but creating a webpage for one borders on weird. I created a facebook account, but I just don't have the time to use it the way so many people do. It's an interesting way to waste time with friends. Sites like this are part of the reason it can be dangerous to be on the internet. People post all sorts of private things on their pages.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Week 6 #15

To me, lbrary 2.0 means providing services that are more personalized and flexible. Part of the difficulty in providing this kind of library service is being able to stay on top of constant changes. Library staff also need more technology training to better understand and provide this kind of service.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Another children's librarian sent me a link to a neat site and I wanted to see what the embedded books looked like.
